One of the perks of living in Georgia, is being able to enjoy your swimming pool year-round. Although we had some surprises with winter weather, it does’t mean you had to close your oasis. On the contrary, many find a way to enjoy their pool year around. Naturally, the early spring to mid-summer is often the busiest season for in-ground pool builders as scores of people make the move to enjoy the sun and the joy of owning a swimming pool in one’s backyard. This goes for not only pool construction, but construction and remodeling in general.

Of course, herein lies the problem – we often get inspired as we see things coming up over the horizon and overlook some of the smaller things that have a large impact on the grand project. Some of these aspects are:

  • The prospect of getting the pool designed.
  • Getting landscaping needs met.
  • Having the proper permits organized and ready to go.

These aspects are as important as the look and layout of your pool. To manage the requirements of construction and installation it’s vital to accommodate the right amount of time and focus on your personal needs. While everyone’s timelines and needs are different, let’s go over some of the most important details regarding the best time for you to begin work on your dream pool.

Benefits of Off-Season Pool Construction 2

The Benefit of Off-Season Pool Construction

In a perfect world, everything goes according to plan. Permits are on time, backyard entry points are opened and accessible without a hitch, and the weather is perfect throughout the process of building your dream pool. An ideal world means knowing what you want, the moment you want it, and making all decisions right the first time. But that’s in a perfect world.

In some ways, having a pool constructed when the summer months are in the rear-view mirror can serve as an excellent substitute for the fictitious “perfect world” scenario because of the time that it gives you and your family to become acquainted with your new pool. Granted, nobody wants to use a swimming pool in the winter months, but when a pool and hot tub are combined, utilization of one’s luxurious amenities can be a year-round event.

Winter and Fall Pool Construction Means Getting Better Acquainted

What better Christmas present than a swimming pool? Outside of the obvious added benefit of having a swimming pool serve as your family’s upcoming Christmas or holiday season gift, there are major perks in having the work done after August in the Fall and Winter Months:

You have eight months to learn your pool’s needs.

  • By having a system running over time and understanding the intricacies that come in your owner’s manual, being able to masterfully create the perfect environment once Easter and the end of the school year come into view.

You have time to decorate your outdoor living spaces fully.

  • Having a pool built takes a toll on your green spaces, and by having the beginning of the winter thaw to plan your garden and idealized style for patio furniture and accessories, there is no rush on the big ideas you’ve been thinking about during the construction time-frame. By the time your first pool party rolls around, you will find paradise.

You benefit by having work done when the rush has ended.

  • If you’re looking to throw a Labor Day, Birthday, or Summer pool party and don’t want to feel rushed, it’s best to plan ahead and reap the benefits of building your pool during the off-season. This allows you to make sure everything in your backyard is just the way you want it and ready to show off for your big party.
Benefits of Off-Season Pool Construction 3

Springtime Pool Construction Is Nice

As the temperatures rise, the idea of having a personal swimming pool begins to heat up in households across America. Depending on where you live, this could be as early as March or April, and for many of us living in the South, warm-weather living is a year-round lifestyle.

 For many prospective pool owners, the beginning of warmer weather catalyzes the significant planning of one’s backyard ambitions, and this isn’t an uncommon event. By making a move as demand for installation increases, the necessary time that you and your family can sit down and discuss the required details can often be rushed or not clarified, and specific information that you’d want to explain to your pool builder can also be forgotten. Typical information usually consists of:

  • Determining dimensions of your backyard and potential obstacles ranging from decorations to home gardens.
  • Choosing the right decorative add-ons, such as pool caves and waterfall slides.
  • Questioning how the surfaces should look that surround your pool. Selecting the right decking material that can accommodate your needs.
  • Spa planning. How will this fit in with a swimming pool design? How do you envision it appearing?
  • Do you imagine poolside parties and social gatherings tying in with your pool?

Of course, there’s the benefit of having a newly-constructed pool ready just in time for the peak summer months, which merges the feeling of the cooling water with the hottest time of the year. For many, this is the best option. Ask anyone who owns an in-ground pool, and you’ll hear about the fantastic benefit that having a pool ready for the spring months and early summer brings.

The Best Time for a New Luxury Pool is the Best Time for You

The inspiration for future pool plans comes to us all at different times. While there are benefits to building a new swimming pool or spa in your backyard during the colder months, there are also tangible benefits to having a new pool ready for the dog days of summer. The folks at Dogwood know that often, what works for most may not work for you. Fortunately, we aim to please with year-round service that fits your schedule.

Building a swimming pool after the summer rush has its benefits. While Dogwood prides itself on the year-round sales, service, and superior end-results, we love it when a great plan materializes by not just our experienced pool designers, but by the inspiration that comes from homeowners who take the time and identify the needs that will give them the pool of their dreams. Contact us HERE or by calling 678-368-7000 and let’s make plans for your first pool party, today!

And remember, Your Backyard Has Dreams Too!